These are a group of conditions present at birth that can happen when a pregnant person drinks alcohol. Binge drinking or heavy drinking throughout pregnancy might increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. However, drinking any amount of alcohol during pregnancy can potentially increase the risk of developmental delays and birth defects. One person might have only a few, while another person could experience all of them. An individual with FAS may have noticeable changes to their face and limbs, as well as delays in the way their body develops over time.
- FASD United also has a searchable Resource Directory that helps you to find resources in your area.
- With time, FAS children tend to have eye, ear, and dental problems.
- If you did drink any amount of alcohol during pregnancy, it’s important to know that your healthcare provider and your baby’s pediatrician need to know to help you plan for your child’s future.
- About 1 in every 1,000 babies born in the United States is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome.
- Alcohol is broken down more slowly in the immature body of the fetus than in an adult’s body.
However, the most common and consistent features of FAS involve the growth, performance, intelligence, head and face, skeleton, and heart of the child. As noted in the above discussion, an individual with FAS may experience a lifelong litany of both physical and intellectual challenges. Early intervention programs and multi-therapy programs (including physical therapy) may often lessen the impact of the diagnosis. First-line treatments for children with ADHD and FAS include methylphenidate- and amphetamine-derived stimulants. Treatment focuses on controlling the symptoms of the condition. Treatment strategies for FAS include nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions.
What are the complications and long-term effects of fetal alcohol syndrome?
Acknowledging and addressing these intersections is crucial for advancing behavioral health equity and enhancing the overall health and well-being of those living with FASDs. The only way to prevent FAS is to avoid consuming any amount of alcohol during pregnancy, including when a person is trying to become pregnant. A doctor may also look at physical health and signs of FAS, such as smaller-than-expected head size and height and abnormalities in facial features.
Also, not all people who drink while pregnant feel comfortable talking to their healthcare provider. This means that some people with mild symptoms of FASD might never be diagnosed. Prenatal alcohol exposure is a leading preventable cause of birth defects and neurodevelopmental abnormalities in the United States. The severity of FASDs can vary based on several factors, including the timing of alcohol exposure, the amount consumed, and the frequency of consumption. Each pregnancy is unique, and the effects of alcohol exposure can differ greatly from one individual to another. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the most severe fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Quantity of Alcohol Linked to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Often, having a stable and supportive home can help children with FAS avoid developing mental and emotional difficulties as they get older. It can cause problems with learning, behavior, and mental and physical health. The more you drink while pregnant, the greater the risk to your unborn baby. Your baby’s brain, heart and blood vessels begin to develop in the early weeks of pregnancy, before you may know you’re pregnant. If you adopted a child or are providing foster care, you may not know if the biological mother drank alcohol while pregnant.
- In addition to the acute effects of withdrawal, babies often suffer the teratogenic (causing physical abnormalities) effects of alcohol.
- This puzzling observation may reflect the maternal rate of alcohol breakdown via her liver.
- By Serenity Mirabito RN, OCNMirabito is a certified oncology nurse.
- Unfortunately, up to 5% of first graders in the United States have FASD.
How is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) treated?
If the child is more than 3 years of age, parents or caregivers can talk to a pediatrician and contact any nearby elementary school to ask for an evaluation. If the staff members are not familiar with the evaluation process, the next step is to ask to speak with the district’s special education director. Some research suggests that a pregnant person’s environment may also play a role. Living in stressful, isolated, or adverse conditions may increase the chance of FAS.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAQs
- If a caretaker or healthcare provider believes a child has fetal alcohol syndrome, they are typically referred to an FASD specialist.
- There is no single test that can cover the disorder’s wide range of signs and symptoms.
- Early intervention (EI) services are the most effective step in improving outcomes for children born with fetal alcohol syndrome.
- Awareness and recognition of stroke symptoms has improved over the last decade, yet more awareness is needed.
FASDs can lead to a range of cognitive impairments, including learning disabilities, attention deficits, and difficulties with impulse control. Common physical characteristics of individuals with FAS include distinct facial features (such as a smooth philtrum and thin upper lip), growth deficiencies, and other anatomical anomalies. The primary cause of FASDs is the consumption of alcohol by a pregnant person.
This may consist of various tests to assess symptoms, such as cognitive function, attention, and memory. This article examines symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of FAS in adults. In the womb, a baby doesn’t have a fully developed liver that can process or break down alcohol, so it can easily get to and damage the baby’s organs. Both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST acronyms effectively prompt 911 calls for stroke symptoms, but F.A.S.T. enhances recall of key symptoms (face, arm, speech) more effectively.
Children with FASD are nutritionally and socially vulnerable and may benefit from nutritional education and support. More unique to adolescents and adults are issues with sexual behavior, legal problems, and substance abuse. It is often observed that the characteristic facial features noted in infancy and childhood seem to “soften” with age. A small-sized head and short stature do continue into adulthood. Alcohol is rapidly transported via placental blood flow from mother to fetus and is known to cause miscarriage and birth defects. Within two hours of maternal ingestion, fetal alcohol blood levels are similar to maternal alcohol blood levels.
Due to the buildup of this toxic compound, various developing tissues can be negatively affected, resulting in physical and behavioural deficits. This can present clinically as cognitive and/or physical disabilities in the child that become apparent as the child grows up. However, alcohol itself may not be directly responsible for all (or any) of the features of FAS. What may be responsible are byproducts generated when the body metabolizes (“burns”) alcohol. The end result Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow is a decrease in the number of brain cells (neurons), abnormal location of neurons (due to disturbance of their normal migration during fetal development), and gross malformation of the brain.
There is no cure for FASDs, but treatments can help manage symptoms. Each year, approximately 800,000 people in the U.S. suffer a stroke, according to the American Heart Association’s 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics. Immediate treatment may minimize the long-term effects of a stroke and even prevent death.
Alternative treatments
All types of alcohol are equally harmful, including all wines and beer. It’s also recommended that you not drink alcohol if you’re sexually active and not using effective birth control. It can take four to six weeks before you know you’re pregnant.
It is essential to speak with a doctor as soon as possible if a child shows signs of FAS. Early identification can improve the outcome for children with FAS and raise their quality of life. Alcohol is a teratogen, which means that it is toxic to developing babies.